Animal Communication Alphabet Game

This is a game that is derived the Abraham-Hicks Alphabet game, with a twist!
It’s going to help you to learn how to do animal communication.
This game will help you to slow down your mind, enough so that you’ll be able to actually FEEL yourself doing telepathic animal communication with your pet.

The game is really simple, and here is the beauty of it…
1. It only takes a few minutes a day. You can spend as much time as you want, or less time on it, but I promise you that no matter what, you will feel better afterward.

2. Your animal friend will also feel better as you are doing this game, if you’re doing it with them right there, you’ll even see their reaction to this game.
Now that’s fun!

3. As you do this game you’ll actually FEEL and SEE how telepathy and thus animal communication works. As you search for words you’re slowing & quieting your brain, enough so that you’ll feel the process of forming images in your mind, AND since it’s your animal friend your doing the alphabet game about, you’re also thinking about them at the time and you’re automatically sending the images to them as well.
THIS is animal communication at it’s most basic form.
Congratulations…..You’re doing it!

4. It’s just plain FUN to do!

The Animal Communication Alphabet Game

Starting with the letter “A” think of a positive, happy or fun word that you associate with your animal friend for the letter “A”.
For example:
If you have an ACTIVE dog and the word “Active” is a happy good feeling word gathering up images of your happy animal friends running around or playing with their toys or playing with the kids. Then that’s a good word to use. Or maybe the word “Allowing” (animals are very allowing), or the word “Appreciation” (for having such a great animal friend) would be a good choice.

It doesn’t matter what the word is as long as when YOU think about it, it makes YOU feel good.

Then go to “B” maybe “Ball” is a good word (My cat Sam LOVES to play with his plastic bell ball and I just love to watch him do it),
Maybe the word “Bark” (again ONLY if this word brings up good images for you) an animal’s bark can be cute, a way of calling “come play with me” or a bark can conjure up an image of your animal protecting and loving you.
Then move on to the letter “C” and so on. Keep going till you either want to stop, or till you get to the letter “Z”, and then you simply start again at the beginning.

Choose the best FEELING words

You don’t need a lot of words for the letters, chose 1 or 2, but notice how you FEEL and what your mind is doing during this process. Your mind is slowing down, then it runs through the different possibilities and then when you find the right word it feels like you have a little EUREKA-like moment doesn’t it?
At the same moment you get a little excited and then you get the STRONG mental image(s) of your animal being or doing that word, don’t you?
This powerful game can done anytime, anywhere regardless if your animal friend is with you or not. It’s great to use if you’re away from you pet and you want to do a check-in with them. Everybody loves the feeling of knowing when someone is thinking about them and your animals are no different.

This tool can also be used to help you and your animal friend resolve behavioral problems, which is what I will talk about in my next post.

Now, go and play!

7 Replies to “Animal Communication Alphabet Game”

  1. Coryelle, I am loving playing the Animal Alphabet game. I am connecting to my two amazing cats. . . surprisingly! Was not expecting much other than a little fun, but there is much more to it than that!

  2. Hi Zahira, This game is so much fun to play and because of that you aren’t “trying” to communicate, you’re simply doing it with a easy, fun attitude that helps both you connected even further with your cats. I’m so glad that you’re enjoying it, look for more games like this one coming up soon. Keep me posted on how this progresses and thanks so much for stopping by.

  3. Thanks Coryelle for this info. I’m gonna really enjoy this. I want to talk with my pup before he’s grown up. Thanks again. will let you know how it goes.
    Have a great day.

  4. Hi Coryelle, I just found your site and enjoyed reading through and learning what you do. I have wanted to be an animal communicator but I guess just thought I couldn’t. I will be giving it a try and practicing your suggestions. One question, does the alphabet game work with animals that have passed and if so could it work with human beings? Pushing the envelope I know.
    Thank you in advance and look forward to sharing how it goes.

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